Experts in Financing, Developing & Operating Surf Parks

Creative solutions, creative results.

Surfers dream about perfect waves and consistent conditions. But, finding that ideal combination of wind, swell and tide is elusive.  We all have busy schedules, and limited time available to go surfing. Mother Nature is fickle, she operates on her own terms, and it is pure fantasy for a surfer to think he or she can find perfect ocean waves on demand.

On top of this, people of all ages who are intrigued by surfing, but who have never tried it, or dabbled in it but were unable to master the sport, imagine a wave that rolls in slowly, and is easy to learn to ride. But, there are very few such waves in the world.

All surfers and ocean-goers long for shark-free, warm water conditions!

Yet, there is no ocean location anywhere that can satisfy all these yearnings. Indeed, there is not one ocean-surfing location on earth that offers year-round, perfect waves in optimal conditions.

That’s why Surf Parks - featuring expert, intermediate and beginner waves, which flow perfectly in consistent, pristine conditions- are capturing the attention of surfers and active lifestyle devotees throughout the world!

Surf Parks, located away from the coast, in urban, suburban or rural settings, are also the perfect place for people of all ages to experience a relaxing day at the beach, where they can de-stress, sunbathe and enjoy watching loved ones and friends playing on the beach and enjoying the perfect surf.

A Surf Park, located in the right area, can be a significant tourist destination and a community social center, drawing families and friends to their own beach. The venue will also be a powerful draw for experienced surfing enthusiasts, in the same way a golf club draws its devotees. While it may take 2-3 hours to play even 9 holes of golf, a surfer can get his or her fill in 60 minutes – a session before or after work or even during lunch.

Surf Park Holdings, LLC is devoted to financing, developing and operating best in class man-made wave pools and Surf Parks.

Surf Park Holdings is also committed to uplifting towns and communities.
We do this by designing our Surf Parks to:
  • Attract both locals and tourists from throughout the region and world
  • Host corporate events
  • Draw in patrons to local hotels
  • Create jobs and boost local commercial activity
  • Partner with local businesses and organizations
  • Develop synergy with other local amenities
  • Be a platform for education, charitable giving and philanthropy

Surf Park Holdings is led by experts in the fields of real estate development, law and finance, man-made wave technology, and wave pool safety and operations. On top of this, Surf Park Holdings CEO and President Shaun Tomson is a surfing legend and World Surfing Champion. Shaun brings integrity and authenticity to the launching and operation of our Surf Parks.
Todd Theodora

Todd Theodora

Todd Theodora is the Chairman of Surf Park Holdings. He is a prominent Southern California attorney and business leader. Contact: 310 720-1600 Click for more information

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Shaun Tomson

Shaun Tomson

Shaun Tomson is the CEO and President of Surf Park Holdings. Shaun, a former World Surfing Champion, is a surfing icon, best-selling author and business consultant to Fortune 500 companies. Contact: 805 886-1775 Click for more information

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About image
Surfing is an inspirational and aspirational sport and has a dedicated group of millions of followers across the world. Surfing has transitioned from a solitary sport primarily enjoyed by youth, to a lifestyle that encompasses families and people looking to experience a feeling of freedom not found in traditional sports.
Surfing for many has also come to represent empowerment, a way to try a new and challenging athletic endeavor far removed from normal day to day experience.
For many the feeling is, "master surfing and you have mastered yourself."
Back in the 1960s the Beach Boys sang of "Catch a wave and you are sitting on top of the world." This new perspective that surfing brings to life is as empowering and exciting today as it was so many years ago.

Our team is dedicated to creating these empowering, uplifting and life changing experiences for a broad base of the tourist and local community.

Surf Park Holdings is perfectly positioned to develop and operate a best-in-class surf park.

The company is led by a team of prominent business leaders who can be relied upon to work diligently to bring Surf Park projects to communities across the USA.

Important aspects of planned projects include:

· Selecting the particular location
· Blending in to the overall tapestry of the community
· Working and cooperating with other stakeholders
· Working cooperatively with a landowner or City to establish fair business terms
· Liaising with a landowner or City to ensure appropriate naming and branding for the surf park
· Development
· Financing
· Operations
· Education
· Philanthropy and charitable giving

WHY? image
Our mission is to build a wave of positivity and purpose throughout a region by inspiring people to go surfing.

WHY is a Surf Park good for a community?

  • Inspires and uplifts young people
  • An exciting tourist destination generating local jobs and tax revenue
  • A place for people to connect through a vibrant physical activity
  • A place for schools and community clubs to teach positive values based on a Surfer's Code
  • A venue for corporate and organizational events
  • Programs for veterans and Wounded Warriors
  • High profile and charity events with celebrities generating positive media and awareness for the venue city

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Organizational Keynotes & Workshops for Fortune 500 - See VIDEO

A powerful process to inspire, uplift and engage dislocated work-at-home teams during the Covid Crisis. Shaun presents keynotes and workshops to inspire, uplift and connect teams across the world. His clients include Google, Disney, Gap, Cisco, Sonos, PWC, Patagonia and others. His Code Method has been called "transformational" and "lifechanging".

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Inspiring Young students through the Power of "I will" - See VIDEO

Inspiring Young students through the Power of "I will" - See VIDEO

As part of his extended out reach to activate purpose and positive decison making, Shaun presents keynotes and workshops at some of the world's finest universities and poorest schools - approximately 50,000 students each year. He has spoken at USC, University of Oregon, University of Missouri, Melbourne University, Claremont Graduate School, University of Cape Town, UCSB, Rotterdam School of Management and others.

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Strive Leadership Magazine Cover Story on Purpose

Strive Leadership Magazine Cover Story on Purpose

Purpose is the power that enables individuals and organizations to thrive. Purpose can be defined as self-organizing life aims that stimulate goals. Purpose has fundamentally positive impacts on life and business including living longer, higher levels of motivation and a sustained sense of wellbeing. In fact some researchers have concluded that if purpose was a drug, it might be considered a wonder drug.

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Shaun Tomson presents the Power of the Code for Surfrider Foundation - See VIDEO

Shaun Tomson presents the Power of the Code for Surfrider Foundation - See VIDEO

Shaun is a former board member of Surfrider Foundation. In celebration of 50 years of Earth Day and for people suffering with despair from the covid-19 pandemic, Shaun produced an inspiring and uplifting interactive livestream for 1,500 participants. TV broadcaster KEYT produced a story.

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THE CODE Book Launch Today Show - See VIDEO

THE CODE Book Launch Today Show - See VIDEO

The Code book was launched on the Today show and went on to become a #1 Amazon bestseller in the teen section. The book was written to inspire positive decisions by illustrating how to create a simple code of action to live a positive and purposeful life. "Sometimes all you need to do to create transformational change is to write your promises down and say them out loud".

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International Livestreams across the World to Uplift and Engage Organizations - See VIDEO

International Livestreams across the World to Uplift and Engage Organizations - See VIDEO

Companies across the world are having to fundamentally change the way they do business. Teams are now dispersed and dislocated and working from home, facing new pressures of stress, lack of motivation and reduced productivity. Shaun's keynotes and workshops, to the world's largest corporations, reconnect teams to each othe, and to their fundamental purpose, to re engage and improve performance and wellbeing.

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Riding Inside the Tube - See VIDEO

Riding Inside the Tube - See VIDEO

Surfer Magazine called Shaun one of the greatest and most influential surfers of all time. While Shaun was a former world champion, he is best known for creating a revolutionary technique for riding inside the tube of the wave, the most dangerous and exciting part of the surfing experience. Shaun gives a glimpse of what it feels like to ride inside the tube, a place where reality unfolds in slow motion, senses are heightened and a surfer can feel like he can curve the wave to his will.

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