About image
Surfing is an inspirational and aspirational sport and has a dedicated group of millions of followers across the world. Surfing has transitioned from a solitary sport primarily enjoyed by youth, to a lifestyle that encompasses families and people looking to experience a feeling of freedom not found in traditional sports.
Surfing for many has also come to represent empowerment, a way to try a new and challenging athletic endeavor far removed from normal day to day experience.
For many the feeling is, "master surfing and you have mastered yourself."
Back in the 1960s the Beach Boys sang of "Catch a wave and you are sitting on top of the world." This new perspective that surfing brings to life is as empowering and exciting today as it was so many years ago.

Our team is dedicated to creating these empowering, uplifting and life changing experiences for a broad base of the tourist and local community.

Surf Park Holdings is perfectly positioned to develop and operate a best-in-class surf park.

The company is led by a team of prominent business leaders who can be relied upon to work diligently to bring Surf Park projects to communities across the USA.

Important aspects of planned projects include:

· Selecting the particular location
· Blending in to the overall tapestry of the community
· Working and cooperating with other stakeholders
· Working cooperatively with a landowner or City to establish fair business terms
· Liaising with a landowner or City to ensure appropriate naming and branding for the surf park
· Development
· Financing
· Operations
· Education
· Philanthropy and charitable giving